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Chess Pieces


About This Website

Our official Charity Chess Champs website:

Some rules:
Number 1, no, do not ask for leadership, The only three leaders are @Komokid (Creator of the team and mission) and @Jishnu10 (Helper and friend of @Komokid), and @CharityChessChamps (Our official lichess account)
Number 2, About donation. I don't expect ANYONE to donate. It's just so I can keep the name Charity Chess champs. In the future I might start streaming and donations from the stream will go to charity. But as of right now, I don't expect anyone to donate. I haven't set up any donation form, it is again, just to keep the name.
Number 3, Please don't message the leaders requesting to control the official account. Sponsor offers are welcome.


He who brings 5 members gets a certificate
He who brings 10 members gets a pdf of a massive puzzle ebook.
He who brings 15 members can ask me to create a logo for their team
He who brings 20 members can ask me to create a website for them
He who brings 25 will receive a Komodo computer or any prize above.

So please bring your friends!
This team is purely for fun and tournaments. Prizes will be certificates, icons, or a chess book. No entry fee. 100% of donations go to charities which is why the name is Charity Chess Champs.

@Johannps6 - Komodo computers
@PaRAmKaRwAl - up to 50 or 50+ samples of ebooks
@PSLV-ISRO - Pdf of ebooks
@JWchess22 - Pdf of ebooks

@Johannps6 :
@RealBullet :
@st33 :
@SavagePirate :

Please follow and support them!

Nearing 300 members! 291!

Location: That better world full of love, not hate.


Home: Welcome
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